Principle Investigator:
Research Scientist:
Yang received his B.S degree in Micro-Electronics from Fudan University in 2012. He has graduated and received his PhD degree of Electrical and Computer Egineering in University of Maryland in Spring 2019. His research interests include CIGS solar cell, Complex Waveguide Bragg Grating (CWBG), Four-Wave Mixing, Integrated Phased Array Antenna, Virtual Reality Display. He got his PhD in 2019 and is now a post-doc in the group.

Wei-Lun Hsu
Wei-Lun received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering, M.S. degree in Photonics and Optoelectronics from National Taiwan University and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering in University of Maryland. His research interests include perovskite solar cells, integrated photonics circuits/devices on Si3N4 platform as well as their application in astrophotonics, optical sensing and spectroscopy.
Graduate students:
Xiheng Ai
Xiheng received his bachelor’s degree from University of Science and Technology of China, majored in optical science and quantum physics. He joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer at University of Maryland, College Park in September 2019. His research interests include on-chip polarization controlling devices, Arrayed waveguide gratings, Mach–Zehnder interferometers and Multimode interfereometers.
Masoud Heidari Khouzani
Masoud received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tehran. He joined the ECE department at the University of Maryland, College Park in January 2022. His research interests lie in Quantum Electronics and Photonics Integrated Circuits (PICs) including the design, simulation, and fabrication of various optical devices on SiN platform, and their applications in Optical Communication and Astrophotonics domain.

Chengdao Yu Chengdao received his B.S. degree in Microelectronics and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Shandong University and University of Michigan, respectively. He joined Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park as a PhD student in Fall 2022. His research interests are SiN nanophotonics device and its applications in nonlinear optics and quantum technology.
Shengjie Xie
Shengjie received his B.S. degree in Applied Physics and Finance from Nankai University in 2015. He is now a Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park. His research interests are SiN/SiO2 nanophotonics device and its applications in astrophotonics and nonlinear optics.
Jiahao Zhan
Jiahao received his bachelor’s degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, majored in opto-information science and technology. He joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Maryland, College Park in September 2016. He is now working on multimode interferometer (MMI) based devices, polarization rotators, polarization beam splitters and 1D photonic cavity structures.
Niloy Acharjee
Niloy received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2018. He is now a graduate student pursuing his PhD degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), University of Maryland at College Park. His current research interests include the fabrication and characterization of Integrated Nanophotonic Phased Array for Virtual Reality Display.
Joseph Brock
Joey received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland in 2019. He is now a graduate student pursuing his PhD in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of the University of Maryland. His research interests include integrated photonic devices and their application to quantum information/communication.
Wei-Lun Hsu
Wei-Lun Hsu received his B.S degree in Electrical Engineering and M.S degree in Photonic and Optoelectronics from National Taiwan University where he studied silicon based LED and transparent conducting oxide. He is now a graduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park. His research interests are perovsktie solar cell, perovskite based laser.
Yiwen Hu
Yiwen obtained his B.S. in Physics and Computer Science, and M.S. in Physics, all from Peking University. Then he joined the in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland. His research interests included integrated photonic circuits including on-chip waveguides, gratings, microcavities and WDM devices. He got his Ph.D. in Summer 2020. He is now an optical network engineer at Amazon.
Pradip Gatkin
Pradip Gatkine received his B. Tech.(Honors) degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in 2014. Then he joined Department of Astronomy at University of Maryland, College Park in Fall 2014. His research interests included Astronomical instrumentation, Astrophotonics, observational cosmology and galactic astronomy. He earner his Ph.D. to in Astronomy in Summer 2020, and he is now a postdoc at Caltech.
Yangyi Yao
Yangyi Yao received his B.S degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University with the major of in Electronic Science and Technology in 2012. He has graduated and received his PhD degree of Electrical and Computer Egineering in University of Maryland in Spring 2019. His research interests include optoelectronic material, semiconductor device, perovsktie solar cell, perovskite based laser device and InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cells. He got his PhD degree in 2019 and now works at Golden Eye Bionics.
Yang Meng
Yang received his B.S degree in Electronic Science and Technology from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2011. He got his PhD degree in ECE, University of Maryland, Park in 2017. His research interests include optoelectronic materials and devices especially those for photovoltaic application, and nanophotonics and atoms trapping on a chip. He is now a senior engineer at SMIC.
Tiecheng Zhu
Tiecheng Zhu obtained his bachelor’s degree from City University of Hong Kong in 2011, majoring in electronic and communication engineering. He then entered the University of Maryland at College Park in fall 2011, and was working in the Laboratory for Green Nanophotonics, Optoeletronics, and Nanosensing as a research assistant. His research interests include nanophotonics, semiconductor lasers and interband cascade lasers. He got his PhD degree in ECE, University of Maryland, College Park in 2017. He is now a portfolio calculation developer at Bloomberg LP.
Tian Li
Tian received the B.S degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, majored in Electronic Science and Technology. She was working in the Laboratory for Green Nanophotonics, Optoelectronics, and Nanosensing as a Research assistant, pursuing her PhD degree in ECE, University of Maryland, College Park. Her research interest includes fabrication; designing for photovoltaic applications; optical communications. She got her PhD degree on 2015, and currently is an Assitant Professor at Purdue University.